Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am now eighteeeeeeeen!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes via facebook and text last night. For all my closer friends, yes, I will buy you cigarettes now. I had a pretty good birthday considering that none of you were with me. Can't wait to be home. Though most of my friends know this, feel free to stop by my house this Thursday at around 12:45 for a foreign cigarette and to hang out for a while. 

See you soon,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Vietnam Part II

I am now out of the busy streets of Hanoi and in what I can only describe at the Yosemite of Vietnam, Sapa. Like Yosemite, there is not much to do at all except hike and visit some of the local villages. While some have been hit a little too hard by tourism, others are still living how they have for the last hundred years except they all have cell phones... Also, they grow a ton of weed for the hemp and make clothes out of it. I am getting bored shitless up here though, I can only take so much nature. Orientation is tomorrow and I am very much looking forward to seeing my schedule. Hope all is well at home, I am very ready to be there. 



Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Haven't blogged in a few days, sorry. These are from a few different places and have no order but are kind of cool. Vietnam so far has had the best food and beer but some fucking hot weather and stupid (communist) rules. One thing this country lacks, like China, is good cigarettes. Before long will I have to give into some Vietnamese brand when I run out of my beloved Lucky Strikes. Hope all is well at home and for you guys at CB, sucks you're back in school. 

Can't wait to be back,

Monday, August 10, 2009

its back.

Lets face it, the interweb was getting old.

but its back.

because of this one site.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


As most of you know one of the events I was most looking forward to on this trip was shooting an RPG. Buttttttt the Cambodian government recently made a law preventing the range from selling RPGs and hand grenades. It was truly a sad moment. With that said I think I definitely made up for it shooting some other stuff. I also got offered to shoot a chicken like fifty times but didn't because that's kind of fucked up. Anyway here are some pictures. Hope the VIBE thing went well last night and that everyone is good at home. Jack - I'm sure you still drove last night wasted. Way to listen to your parents...


Thursday, August 6, 2009

A new post...finally

I'm writing this as I smoke a Korean filtered Lucky Strike in my room in Bangkok. Needless to say, I am having a great time. The city is huge, the people are great (for the most part), and the food is excellent. I am starting to miss you guys but probably not as much as you miss my house... I'll post every few days and next from Cambodia. 

Hope all is well at home,
